
This TLR Took a Face Plant (Or, What Not to Do with Your Camera)

Since well before the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve been learning (slowly and carefully) how to repair and restore certain types of film cameras. As time has gone on, I’ve tackled increasingly bigger challenges, and one of them recently was resurrecting a Yashica-D twin-lens reflex (TLR) camera that its previous owner apparently dropped, face down. What follows is a narrative on bringing that camera back — with a subtext for all of us on how not to handle your cameras, since drops onto hard surfaces are not generally reparable. And when they are, as I discovered, it can be quite challenging.

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Film Camera Repair: Observations and Advice

My film camera collection has grown through various approaches. Sometimes it’s lusting after a specific model, and waiting patiently for the perfect example to come-up for sale. Sometimes it’s been seeing something on the shelf of one of my two local brick-and-mortar camera shops, and having it capture my imagination. Other times it’s been seeing a derelict camera in an auction listing and thinking I can restore it myself (often successfully). And still other times it’s been discovering something in an auction lot I wasn’t expecting, and being pleasantly surprised. But no matter how the cameras make their way to me, not all of them work properly, and not all are good candidates for subjecting to my rapidly growing but still amateur-level knowledge of camera repair. That’s where sending a camera to a professional comes into play, and I’ve learned — and continue to learn — a great deal about that exercise. This article captures some of the insights I’ve gleaned from years of sending my film cameras off for some TLC, and the obscene amount of money I’ve spent in the process.

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Looking Good: Replacing Leather(ette) on Camera Bodies

Much of the world’s total supply of antique, vintage, or simply used film camera gear is at this point decades old. In fact, the newest film camera that I own, my Hasselblad 503CW, would this year (2021) be old enough to drink alcohol in my home state of Colorado (if it were a person), having been born manufactured back in 2000. And my oldest? It’s celebrating its 87th birthday this year. And much like their human counterparts, the years have not always been kind to film cameras. But like us, a little fashion advice (metaphorically speaking), or perhaps a minor little nip or tuck, can have some pleasing aesthetic results. Such is the case with refreshed leather (or leatherette) coverings.

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Camera Repair: Specialist, or Generalist?

As my camera collection has now reached the point where the cameras can be counted in dozens instead of one at a time, there’s one aspect of old cameras I’ve come to know pretty well: getting them repaired. And recent experiences have driven home a choice we often make when having our older cars repaired too — do I take it to a generalist, or a specialist?

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