
Review: Ilford Delta 100 Black and White Negative Film (135, 120)

When I returned to film photography, I have to confess that I came back as a traditional emulsion snob. By traditional, I mean the old stuff: Tri-X, Fomapan, HP5, and so on. What I wanted was authenticity, and I didn’t think that some engineered emulsion, with its controlled formation of silver halide salts (that means you, Delta and T-Max) was something I wanted to have anything to do with. Oh, I tried the modern stuff — and was disappointed by its overly pure, overly perfect contrast, tone and grain. It looked… digital. And the entire reason I was shooting film was to not be digital. All that may be how the story begins, but it’s not how it ends.

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Tracking Fixer Exhaustion: My Approach

I used to think that the best way to get into an argument with someone was to discuss politics. I think there may be a close second: Talking about exhaustion of darkroom chemicals — at least if reading photography forums is any indication. But I’d prefer not to argue about it, and instead offer a way to track the exhaustion of a key chemical in the development process: fixer.

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Review: Ilford Ortho Plus Orthochromatic Black and White Film (120)

In 2019, Ilford Photo started hinting at a new product. Late in the year, we learned what it was to be — a “new” orthochromatic film in 120 and 135 formats. The word “new” is in quotes because the emulsion isn’t new; it’s been available for years in large format sheet film, but it is new to roll film users. I was particularly excited to try Ortho Plus, and after shooting several rolls of the film, I feel I’m finally in a position to write a proper review.

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