
Trip Report: New York Photo Trip and Conversation Starters

One of the things I enjoy about shooting film, especially in busy places, is that cameras like a Hasselblad or pretty much any TLR are always conversation starters — ice breakers that result in anything from strange looks to engaging chats with total strangers. They also invite a lot of smiles, pointing, fascination, questions, and comments like, “Cool camera!” And when you’re shooting film in a city like New York, all of that can be as much fun as the actual picture taking.

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Inspiration Found: What to Shoot When You’re Out of Ideas

We all have moments when the creative well seems to run completely dry, moments when you feel like you’ve exhausted every idea you’ve ever had for picking-up a camera, and shooting something.

I have these moments — a little too frequently. I decided to start capturing every interesting idea that popped to mind, and cataloguing each one here, in hopes that it will help others too. This article will be updated over time, so feel free to bookmark it and revisit regularly for new ideas. Last update was September 12, 2021.

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Why Process Film at Home?

Since getting back into film, I’ve slowly invested in the hobby with the aim of lowering the overall cost and having a bit more control over the creative process. That led, of course, to processing and scanning film at home. After processing dozens of rolls at home (all quite successfully, I might add), I have the operational experience both to calculate and talk about cost, and to reflect on the benefits I’m seeing — some of which were unexpected.

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Recalling a Dream: Why I Like Film

I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I went to sleep last night thinking about the 120mm lens that’s coming on Monday for my Pentax 645, and apparently, my brain decided to latch onto the notion of film photography while I slumbered. I woke-up this morning in the midst of a dream where I was interviewed for a podcast about why I like film photography. Weird, I know, but it did get me thinking about the subject in a fully conscious state, and since I’d come-up with something interesting during the dream, it seemed to be something I should write down.

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More Film Processing Back; More Mixed Results

Late last week, I received back from The Darkroom my latest batch of film processing. It was a mixed batch; four cameras, six rolls. And the results were also mixed. To be sure, there were some photos I really liked and am proud of. And there were also a ton of duds I didn’t even bother uploading to Flickr. But this process has gotten me thinking about film, about control, and about those results.

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A Learning Experience with My Pentax 645

It may surprise you to see a picture of a package of Duracells as the featured image for this post, considering the title. But as you might well guess, the two are related. I’ll jump to the point: When you camera requires batteries to function, always, always carry extra batteries, because they will fail you when you need them most.

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Essay: On Photography; Film, Digital, Snapshots, Art and Drivers

One thing I’ve done too much in my life is asking the simple question, “Why?” I’m trying to do a lot less of that these days, especially when I consider the ebb and flow of my multipotentialite-driven passions — some of which end-up being quite ephemeral.

But as I’ve begun to re-embrace film photography, I’ve been asking, “Why?” Not questioning the fact I’m doing it, but more to wonder why and how it appeals to me. I think I’ve unearthed some answers.

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