
Annual Photo Projects: Benefits, with Commitment Required

If you spend much time in the film photography circles on Flickr or Instagram; spend any time listening to film photography podcasts; or, read your share of film photography blogs, then you’ve no doubt heard of annual photo projects. They go by lots of names: “365” (one shot per day for a year), “52 Rolls” (a roll of film per week for a year) — and I’m sure others as well — generally with the idea that you shoot with a specific camera and/or film regularly throughout the course of a year. Often they start with the new year, and they do indeed fit nicely into a new year’s resolution sort of framing. I decided in mid-May 2021 to jump-in, and managed to sustain the project for a time before I just couldn’t do it any longer. Then I started again on January 1, 2022, and simply couldn’t keep it going. The efforts taught me some things, just not what or where I expected.

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